Automotive Industry in Thuringia

Global players such as Daimler, Opel/Stellantis, Magna, Bosch, BMW, IHI or Borg Warner have set up production in Thuringia. Auto manufacturing has deep roots in the state, dating back to early 20th century, when BMW’s Dixi and the Ley brothers’ six-cylinder vehicles wrote automotive history.


Thuringia is a central location that is never far from Germany’s and Europe’s carmakers. Alongside large corporations, many nimble mid-sized firms drive growth in this sector. One of the strengths of the Thuringian industry is its wide range of technological competencies.

Facts & Figures

  • 700 companies
  • 66,000 employees
  • 9,3 billion Euros sales

Product segments by employees

Source: Study „Paths to sustainability for the automotive supplier industry in Thuringia“, 09/2018

Successful in Thuringia

Virtual Car Thuringia

Build (almost) a whole car with vehicle components from Thuringia!

Thuringian ClusterManagement

Sustainable and smart mobility & logistics


Individual, competent, non-bureaucratic and flexible.

Downloads and information


  • Factsheet Automotive

    An attractive automotive location with many assets – that is Thuringia. (Not barrier-free file)

    Download[pdf, 526 KB]
  • [Translate to English:] Tiefenanalyse Automotive (Kurzfassung)

    (Dokument ist nicht barrierefrei)

    Download[pdf, 3 MB]
  • [Translate to English:] Automotive Agenda Thüringen

    (Dokument ist nicht barrierefrei)

    Download[pdf, 734 KB]


Holger Heyer

Holger Heyer Director Investment Promotion

Invest in Thuringia

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